Darling people,
Today, we are sharing an important story.
It's about our small, lovingly created Charitable Trust, that continues after twelve years
to offer and attain so much, for and with people like you! - despite its rather large mandate!
Amazing people who blessed our Muriwai Earthskin and North Piha at The Waygood Foundation Gardens, are now busily vitalising and preparing Warkworth Earthskin for courses and Environmental Creative Artists Residencies next year.
During all these years of operation that have given so much meaning to my life, I have been privileged to be able to be the sole committed funder as we have co-creatively built these local community spaces of learning.
But now, with a big project of immense beauty well underway for my family business in Parnell Village, funds have been temporarily redirected, and with it, Earthskin Trust's future.
I now need your help to make effective changes - but not in an ordinary way - naturally.
Our fresh pathway is already evolving, and in a very great part has been pre-shaped with insights from my son, Joshua.
Five years ago I asked him to accompany me to the annual Bioneers Conference in America.
He came very grudgingly into this ‘bunch of hippies’. Even though he really wanted to escape as fast as he could, he valiantly pushed on, engaging everyone and trying to understand their viewpoints and why creating and supporting change is urgent.
At one of the sessions where Charities spoke, there was a large contingency of Bankers, there to see whom they could offer financial support to.
At the end, they all walked away.
Josh was beside himself…
”What a waste of energy and amazing possibilities.
Why are Charitable Trusts called ‘Not For Profit’?
The terminology itself is self-sabotage - it's totally unprofessional and not true.
Everyone gains!
This is crazy!"
So bless him, as his guidance led me into an etymology exploration of the root meaning of profit.
And then to introduce you to the new flow form capable of enriching Earthskin's material needs, - based on a natural riverway.
Here you can now make a Contribution - with it's Latin origins to help ‘Bring Together’ funds,
that will increase our potential to support the number of Scholarships and projects we can
give life to.
To then 'spread outwards' and connect into the larger parent river - to the mainstem -
of Earthskin's multi-faceted Purpose. With every gift offering dynamic knowledge and experiential skills.
In spaces of creative and intuitive connection, where everyone gives from their heart to the land and each other.
And as to the word PROFIT's original meaning in Latin was, 'on behalf of' and profectus… 'to progress'.
So that feels like the best-ever plan and a reframe all Charitable Trusts could invest in.
Now let's put it into practice, together!
It doesn't matter if you offer a small constant rivulet that feeds the future, a stream,
or a wild untamed outpouring into the riverway!
It all stimulates our capacity and shared intention to embrace and gently help integrate the catalysts of change this time requires.
This is the opportunity with enormous power of redirection to shape collective harmony,
and 'enjoy free willed giving' that eclipses those feelings of being coerced into making a 'donation'.
We not only nourish ourselves, but extend others' capacity to gain and share new skills and
experiences that will ripple through our local community. Stimulating creativity, and protecting
the abundance of our beautiful earth and our lives.
Gardening days at Earthskin
We need your personal collaboration and contributions to partially or fully support a scholarship.
Each segment of Earthskin's purpose represents an opportunity for all of us to share the gifts
we have garnered, by giving others a chance of creatively experiencing ‘meeting yourself’.
As we grow, as Gandhi said, “Be the change in the world you want to see".
Together we will create more diverse Scholarships of learning, as we continue to open doors of interconnection with other Charities to knit our realities and potentials together - to stimulate and open new projects, directions, and partnerships.
Past artist in residence, Martin Krammer
J.R.R. Tolkein expresses the power of this moment, and our shared yearnings.
"The realm of no realm is mine, but all worthy things that are in peril as the world now stands, those are my care.
And for my part, I shall not wholly fail in my task if anything passes through this night that can still grow fair or bear fruit and flower again in days to come.
For I am a steward."
We are building a team, with a common goal, and would so appreciate you being part of it.
We invite you to also please offer any suggestions or extensions to this thinking to expand our
capacity and website to make this happen.
So be in touch at earthskintrust@gmail.com and much gratitude,
Nancy King
